Gamma Ray or Marked Day? Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique


I am not absolutely sure of the story behind this picture. I found it on the internet one year ago when there was limitless information about it. Now, I tried to go back to refresh my memory and could not find much of anything.

It was stated as being the largest explosion in the universe ever recorded. It was a billion trillion times worse than the atomic bomb on Japan.

That massive amount of power and the fact that this phenomenon was connected to Israel caught my attention and held it, not something easily done. I believe it had something to do with the anniversary of Israel’s independence. Israel got its independence on May 14, 1948, while the explosion occurred on March 19, 2008. This was nearly 40 years after the original date. The cosmic event has been labeled GRB 080319B or gamma-ray-burst.

Copyright  © Dustin Poteet

Photo Courtesy of NASA images, Google

Weekly Photo Challenge:Love

Me, Dustin and my grandmother Rita

Me, Dustin and my grandmother Rita.  Christmas 2008.

Love is when your cousins never call her, everybody ignores her on a daily basis, she sends everyone whatever they need even when begged not to, and I manage to stop blowing my time and money long enough to buy her a $15 necklace( I am maturing); All of this, and she is still happy to spend time with us. She loves us unconditionally like we were still young and clung to every word she said.